Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managment case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managment case - Essay Example Also, by developing a vertical hierarchy where the plant manager is the ultimate authority with multiple layers of management reporting directly to this role, legitimate power through authority is developed effectively. Joined with more visibility among influential players in the business as well as the production staff, this provides more legitimacy and shows off expertise as a means to gain power and control. Doing this will also develop more name recognition for the plant manager among all different layers of authority and subordinate work teams as a means to increase power. Even though the plant management team seems to be on-board with all of the changes being discussed in private management meetings, they are not accomplishing the goals that have been laid out related to productivity and quality standards. The manager needs to develop retribution tactics against the plant management team, from Engineering through to Quality Control in order to ensure that new controls are being developed to meet standards. This can be done either through direct coercion or through intimidation. The plant manager is new in this role and only 33 years of age, therefore there are many opportunities for other seasoned managers to resist change, a common situation in this type of industrial environment. By transforming requests into direct threats, such as I will punish you if you do not meet my expectations, the plant manager sets up a punishment system or can also reward based on meeting productivity and quality targets. Retribution provides quick and immediate results by indicating that there will be consequences if the goals are not achieved, something that must be done at River Woods. However, in relation to the absentee problem, the plant manager can also rely on the close interpersonal relationships between the management team and the production workers

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