Sunday, November 17, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 17

Personal Statement Example Personally, I find it thrilling to identify concrete ideas, which are empirically proven. Therefore, I felt a bit disappointed since mathematics applied only theoretical unproven ideas and I had no idea where to apply such theories in the real world. I still loved mathematics but I needed to find another more useful and concrete course. This idea came to my mind during my second year in college. Most of my friends began their internships that summer and that made me think hard about my future. I knew that pure mathematics could not help me find a job in the industry, thus, I commenced my study on applied mathematics. One of my roommates suggested to me that I undertake actuarial science, since it could enable me to apply the mathematical skills I had learned. One year of studying fundamental statistics equipped me with the knowledge of mathematical finance, life contingencies, and derivatives markets. Knowledge of the derivative market was fun for me since I got excited when I got stocks and options price by incorporating my mathematical skills. UI is one of the colleges in the United States with the best Actuarial Science programs in the United States. Most of the students undertaking it are graduates from other degree programs. Thus, sometimes one feels undermined by such classmates and it becomes hard to learn. In fact, I did not do well as I expected though I passed all the exams in that unit. I felt so excited to use this newly acquired knowledge thus I registered an account in option house with some money that my parents had lend me. I invested it in both the stock and the option markets. It was very disappointing to lose that money in three months, and I questioned myself on why this happened. I had counterchecked the theories, formulas and the financial model before investing and all was promising. Thus, I could not understand how I lost my small amount of investment in just three months. This

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