Saturday, February 8, 2020

Migrating Servers to Virtual Machines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Migrating Servers to Virtual Machines - Essay Example This requires using of multiple hardware systems to manage and store the information in an easy to retrieve way. Hence, virtual machines come in to provide saving of space used for multiple hardware and easy access to information since it can set up several servers on one hardware. Data management is an essential part of modern organization since they have to deal with huge loads of information. Thus moving of physical servers to virtual machines, virtualization has increased in the recent past since virtual machines help in managing data through shared hardware. It has become a mainstream operation in the organization due to its ability in, â€Å"helping provide consolidation savings, workload migration capabilities, reduced deployment times and a variety of other benefits,† (Schmidt & Rispoli, 2009, p. 42). The advantage of virtualization is that one can set up several servers on the same hardware box, rather than having to pay for many hardware servers. This has the benefit of saving costs of running multiple hardware servers such as power used when there are several servers, space for putting up the hardware as well as financial costs.    Recently, information has become the main tool for organization in competing, thus, management of information is most crucial. Sharing of information is yet another requirement in the organization. Thus, a tool that can help in sharing of information is welcome in organization. More so, cost saving is among the most emphasized issues in many organizations of the current times. Virtual machines provide these benefits, making it a key tool for organizations. Many organizations have realized this, and are virtualizing their physical servers to enjoy the differences. Review of Other Work   Ã‚  Ã‚   The number of organizations using virtual machines has grown tremendously in the recent past. Many of these organizations are virtualizing with an aim of achieving several goals that are reducing of costs of running physi cal servers, enhancing efficiency, achieving flexibility with information, and improving operations within the organization. Le Bourget Communaute provides a good illustration of virtualization at work. The company has virtualized its servers and desktops with vSphere virtualization from the VMware and the Cisco Nexus 1000V virtual switch (Cisco, 2010). The company has all the efforts of 2500 employees supported by 1000 desktop computers that deliver quite a big range of services. Its PCs are located in various places such as city halls, self-service kiosks, libraries, schools and among other places for providing services to the public (Cisco, 2010). The company has good control of this infrastructure after it was able to virtualize. The company started the virtualization project in 2008, with an objective to save space. However, the company realized other benefits such as servers that were dedicated to specific tasks and the ability to clone servers for testing purposes. The compan y was able to virtualize 27 physical servers, and it is currently running 70 virtual servers. The company

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